Objective To evaluate the feasibility of the action of colon irrigation and one-stage anastomosis at operation of left hemi-colon acute obstruction. 目的探讨术中灌洗一期肠吻合在左半结肠急性梗阻手术中的可行性。
Objective To improve the tradition liposuction ( multiple stages, unharmonious shape and localized areas), and to achieve circumferential harmony in local area of the body through one-stage operation. 目的探讨如何克服局部分次吸脂术后身体各部环周曲线的不和谐。
Objective: To probe the methods for one-stage operation in senile colonic obstruction caused by left colonic cancer. 目的:探讨左半结肠癌致肠梗阻的一期手术治疗的可行性途径。
Objective: to study one-stage operation for treatment of cervical spina canal stenosis with cervical disc protrusion. 目的探讨颈椎管狭窄病人行减压手术前后的护理经验和效果。
Conclusion: timely and appropriate one-stage operation in early periappendicural absecess is safe and feasible. 结论:只要操作得当,早期阑尾周围脓肿的一期手术治疗安全可行。
One-stage arterial switch operation on transposition of the great arteries 一期大动脉调转术治疗完全性大动脉转位
One-stage Soave pull-through operation for Hirschsprung's disease: a comparison of the laparoscopic-assisted and simple transanal approaches 腹腔镜辅助与单纯经肛门手术行一期Soave拖出术治疗先天性巨结肠的对比研究
Clinical study on one-stage skull plastic operation of open comminuted skull fracture 开放性粉碎性颅骨骨折Ⅰ期颅骨成形的研究
Objective: To study feasibility and therapeutic effects of one-stage operation through combined anterior and posterior approach for the treatment of severe lower cervical spine diseases including severe fracture, cervical spondylotic myelopathy ( CSM) and ossification of cervical posterior longitudinal ligament ( OPLL). 目的:对严重下颈椎疾病,包括骨折脱位、脊髓型颈椎病及颈椎后纵韧带骨化症采取一期前后联合手术治疗,探讨该疗法的可行性和疗效。
The relationship between one-stage operation and prepared expansion flap. I期手术与预扩张皮瓣的关系;
Results Forty seven patients received one-stage operation, including 11 radical excision, 36 wedge resection; 结果一期切除吻合术47例,其中根治性切除术11例,肿瘤楔形切除术36例;
Conclusion One-stage operation is safe and feasible when it is applied to the patients with obstructive colonic cancer under the condition of decompression via double-cavity anal tube in case of emergency. 结论采用双腔肛肠减压技术,对梗阻性结肠癌患者实行急诊一期手术治疗是安全可行的。
Conclusions One-stage operation is the Choice for patients with colon injuries, if the indications is striated and preoperative managements are good. 结论结肠损伤一期手术治疗是一种理想的可行的手术方式。严格掌握手术适应症,完善围手术期处理十分重要。
Subcutaneous Total Mammectomy and Breast Augmentation by One-Stage Silicon Gel Filling Operation on Benign Breast Disease 60例乳腺良性疾病皮下腺体全切除Ⅰ期硅胶囊隆胸术体会
36 implants were inserted by one-stage operation procedure, of which 17 implants were loaded immediately in 3 edentulous jaws by temporary mandibular overdenture. 36枚为Ⅰ期完成手术,其中无牙颌患者覆盖义齿的种植体17枚均即刻加载;
Clinical Study of Treatment of One-stage Operation on 32 Patients with Traumatic Colon 结肠损伤32例一期手术治疗临床分析
One-Stage Operation for Treatment of Cervical Spinal Canal Stenosis with Cervical Disc Protrusion 一次后路手术治疗颈椎管狭窄并颈间盘突出
36 cases underwent one-stage operation of extended end-to-end anastomosis through a midline sternotomy. 36例均经胸骨正中切口以扩展端端吻合术一期矫治CoA及合并畸形。
Methods 31 patients with cervical fracture and dislocation were treated with one-stage anterior and posterior operation. 方法31例颈椎骨折脱位患者施行前后路一期手术复位内固定治疗。
Methods According to the defect position, area, deepness and comprehensive conditions, 3 typical cases with different defect position of external nose were repaired with nasofrontal flap, bi-base pushing flap and nasolabial flap in one-stage operation. 方法3例不同部位典型外鼻组织缺损根据缺损部位、面积、深度及患者的综合状况等不同条件分别采用鼻额皮瓣,双蒂推进皮瓣和鼻唇沟皮瓣一期手术修补缺损。
One-stage operation for repairing the traumatic defects of tissue 创伤性组织缺损的Ⅰ期修复
Emergency one-stage surgical operation for traumatic injury of colon 创伤性结肠损伤急诊一期手术的体会
Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of subcutaneous total mammectomy and breast augmentation by one-stage silicon gel filling operation on benign breast disease. 目的评估乳腺良性疾病皮下腺体全切除期硅胶囊植入隆胸术的临床价值。
Methods 32 cases were performed emergent one-stage resection and anastomosis. During the operation, we decompressed thoroughly the intestine obstruction and made the anastomose outlet free and smooth by single layer stitch. 方法对32例结肠癌急性梗阻病人行急诊一期切除吻合术,术中充分肠减压使肠道空虚,吻合口单层缝合。
Objective Trans-anal one-stage Soave Pull-through Operation ( Soave) is an unopened, the way transanal and bowel cutted resection of the surgery. 目的经肛门I期巨结肠根治术(Soave术)是一种不开腹,经肛门途径拖出并切除病变肠管的手术方式。